Code of Conduct
At Corey Paige Designs we feel our conduct matters and it is important to do the right thing. Integrity and ethical behavior are the cornerstones of creating a positive work environment and we strive to treat all people we conduct business with, whether it be internal personnel, suppliers, and customers with respect. This document will serve as a guide to what we expect from our employees as well as our suppliers.
All employees are expected to:
-Conduct themselves with honesty and integrity
-Comply with all Federal and local laws.
-Refrain from being influenced by gifts
-Refrain from making gifts or improper payments or kickbacks
-Represent Corey Paige Designs and its products accurately and correctly.
-Promote ethical behavior in the work environment.
-Report dishonest, unethical, or illegal activities of other employee.
-Report and internal theft.
-Ensure the workplace is free from discrimination of any type.
-Comply with this Code of Conduct knowing a breach may be cause for termination.
We expect all businesses that support us as suppliers, vendors, manufacturers, subcontractor and distributors to comply with our stated Code of Conduct.
All Suppliers, Vendors, Distributors are expected to:
-Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards regarding safety of products procured.
-Comply with all applicable laws to ensure a safe, healthy, and secure work environment.
-Comply with all applicable laws, regulations and industry standards regarding labor and employee rights
-Ensure you will not use any forced labor.
-Comply with minimum age requirements and ensure you will not use any child labor.
-Ensure there will be no engagement of discriminatory hiring practices on the basis of age, nationality, race, religion, social or ethnic orientation, gender or disability.
Last Updated
April 2018